Thursday, May 20, 2004

This doesn't seem like Thursday.

Quickie post because I have just come up with The Ultimate Reason for Not Blogging Regularly:

My butt hurts. From being in a chair too many hours today/tonight. And NO, not only whilst surfing the 'Net: Too many hours at work today/this week, including tonight during a school bored meeting.

(Yes, oftentimes I misspell words on purpose. Along with using words like "oftentimes" that I probably would never say aloud. I do say "whilst," however, every chance I get.)

; )

A couple of days ago when I was waiting at the McDonald's drive-through, I watched a guy dig. Road expansion for the thoroughfare leading to the new Wal-Mart SuperCenter. And I thought to myself (just realized how redundant that statement is: "thought to myself ... DUH!), maybe it would be a cool to have a job in which you work very hard, physically.

Random observation: Just saw a blurb on ESPN's Outside the Lines that the Lakers are 3-0 in games before which Kobe has made a court appearance. How neat!

: (

That's all. I've got warm sheets calling my name. And my bed is THE most comfortable bed on the entire planet.

: )