Sunday, October 17, 2004

A Bit of a Snit

I am in one of those moods. One of those moods that has been brewing for days, like a warm cup of tea on a frosty winter morning. (As if I drink tea. Well, I do, occasionally, but only iced tea, with extra ice. Hot or even warm tea reminds me of being sick. Tea and toast: Breakfast of sicklies. So, maybe, the analogy is not all that great. Whatever.)

I have decided that hollow promises mean nothing to me. And if you cannot take someone at his or her word, what is there?

Be impeccable with your word.

I have struggled with that, myself. At times. And in various manifestations. At the moment, I am intolerant of others who do not live up to this agreement.

I like follow-through. I like seeing a project through from its conception (or should that be inception?) to its successful completion ... or bitter end. I like to be a priority, but I do not need to be in the spotlight.

Hmm, what other things do I like?

I like to win, but mainly, I like to compete. I like the fact that I can throw a perfect spiral AND a strike, even if I have no clue how to throw a curveball or a splitter. And that I can switch-hit, with equal success from both sides of the plate. I like that the kids enjoyed the game I invented today called Fumble more than our attempts at running actual football plays. I like that I am imaginative enough to look at the backyard and visualize where the 20-yard line would be, if this were a real football field (scale-wise).

I like weekends.

I do not like Mondays.