Monday, January 17, 2005


Sleep tonight
And may your dreams
Be realized
If the thundercloud
Passes rain
So let it rain
Rain down on him
Mmm ... mmm ... mmm ...
So let it be
Mmm ... mmm ... mmm ...
So let it be

Sleep tonight
And may your dreams
Be realized
If the thundercloud
Passes rain
So let it rain
Let it rain
Rain on him

— U2

: )

And so, today, I read about the mixed outlook on the part of the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. regarding gay marriage. And I did not read closely, as the topic simultaneously bores and infuriates me. (Is that even possible? Well, it does!)

I cannot get into a debate over whether gay rights are any more or less important than racial equality. What I know and believe and trust, in my heart and in my soul, is that no person should be judged or discriminated against because of the color of his or her skin, the country of his or her origin, the status of his or her family or heritage, the gender of the person he or she loves.

In my (still relatively short) life, I have seen good and bad marriages, good and bad relationships, love and hate, among whites and blacks and gays and straights and every color and mix of sexuality in-between. Is it possible to live in a world and be completely color-blind, at least in terms of loving your neighbor and your family and your friends and even your enemy? And so what if that person also happens to be gay?

So what?

(Does any of this matter, really?)

I think it does. I think it does, and it will, and it should ... until we reach the day where none of it really matters. At that time, then, every right that has ever been fought for (civil rights, gay rights, human rights) will have been won.

And then it will not matter because it will not be an issue.

It will, simply, be.

: )

I am not as angry, nor as bored and infuriated, as I might be letting on.

Truthfully, at this moment, I am counting my blessings. Not the least of which is the fact that I am able to do this: String together sentences in a semi-coherent manner (OK, I will be honest: some nights more coherent than others!), so that my thoughts and ideas are (relatively) understandable.

I wish I were as eloquent as I sometimes am, writing-wise, in Real Life. I wish I were able to say, always, exactly what I want to say, to whomever I wish to say it, at all times. Sometimes, it is so frustrating to know exactly what you want or need to say, only to be unable to say it, in that moment.

And it is frustrating, too, not to be seen for who you are ... or sometimes, rather, who you know you are, but cannot quite reveal, for whatever reason. (This is something I am simply going to have to work through.)

: )

In-between work and trying to keep up with the various scenes from something that must be written playing out in my head, occasionally, I am thinking of songs for my mix tapes. Which obviously will be mix CDs. There will be 2, and they will be titled: Grrls and Boyz.

And I found the perfect frame for the Keys Kollage that is just waiting to be assembled. (You really cannot beat J.C. Penney for these collage frames.)

This photo, from the window of a shop along my walk from Blue Heaven to 1800 Atlantic, just has to be included in the collage:

For no reason, other than I love it.

: )