Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Amazing Race

I have been smiling and laughing for the past 20 minutes, after finding out that MY TEAM, Freddy and Kendra (Dating Models), had won The Amazing Race.

Of which I have watched approximately 8 minutes, all season long ... including the 3 minutes tonight in which I watched them scarf down deep-dish Chicago pizza, catch a cab to some park in Chinatown and then sprint to the finish line, victorious.

Freddy and Kendra became my team in a random drawing at the beginning of the season amongst my pals at our Web site. Seems several of the girls are Race fans, so someone suggested having The Amazing Race Pool. We decided to ante up $10 apiece, with the spoils going to the winner.

And when it comes to friendly competition ... well, who am I to say no?

: )

Each week, someone on the site (usually Lisa H.) would update everyone on the weekly standings. I would check in, see what all the girls had to say, chime in with some random babble (seems none of them liked Freddy and Kendra much!), jokingly ask what night and network the show was on, and promptly forget about the Race until the next week.

Until tonight, when I did manage to flip over to CBS for a couple of minutes whilst watching the next-to-next-to-next-to-last episode of NYPD Blue.

Some nights, life IS amazing.

: )

This is Patches, getting comfy in a hollowed-out log:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...

This afternoon, I took a look at the clutter on my kitchen table and thought to myself, I have GOT to get serious about spring cleaning! So, I vowed to get started after finishing my late lunch. Midway through lunch, however, The Lovely called and said she might need me to drive her and her mom on a 3-hour journey to visit her ailing uncle.

I took that as Divine Intervention, or at the very least, a sign that any and all cleaning projects could, indeed, wait until a later date.

(We did not end up making the trip and are still awaiting word on the condition of her uncle. He is suffering from cancer, but hopefully, he will continue to regain strength. Prayers to Uncle Orv, who knows the value of good fruit!)

: )