Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"I think it moved!"

And how funny that, not long after my hetero-homo-erotic sex post (oh, yeahhh!), I would stumble upon the Seinfeld episode in which George gets a massage from A MAN and then spends the rest of the show worried that he might be gay!

(NOT that there’s anything wrong with that!)

: )

My ass hurts. That’s the favorite phrase amongst me and some of my co-workers. And usually it’s another co-worker who’s making our asses hurt, and our asses are hurting not in the traditional sense, but in the pain-in-my-ass sense.

I think my ass hurts in both senses, actually, as I have been parked in my chair, in front of the computer, for much of the last 2 days. Working on a special section.

(If I get it finished by deadline, it will be one of the most amazing feats of my professional career.)

: )

Tomorrow the NCAA Tournament begins, and because I have been “off sports” for quite a while now, I have to think I will do worse this year in the office tourney than I usually do ... and I never do better than middle of the pack, which was particularly annoying back when I was the sports editor. Or, rather, it would have been annoying if I actually gave a fuck about it ... which, once I started losing by a significant margin, I did NOT.

: (

This is one of those moments I wish I could blog telepathically throughout the day ... ’cause I know I had a couple of (mildly) interesting thoughts today but didn’t manage to commit them to memory or write them down ... I mean, why would I do that, surrounded by notebooks and pens and even my work computer, all the live-long day??!

Ooh, but one of those thoughts was this one: I am soooooooooo damn happy that The Shield is back! And already I can see that Glenn Close is a brilliant addition to the cast! And I loved seeing the sparks between her and Vic, and her and Claudette (hope they’ll get Dani/Danny involved in the mix!), and Glenn and that prick ASSeveda, whom I detest even more because he played the manager of that razzem-frazzem Blue Bear boxer in Million Dollar Baby. Grrrrrrrrrr!

(Perhaps I am taking my TV-/film-watching a little too seriously? Nah!)