Tuesday, April 26, 2005

For the Birds

Seems The Lovely has a couple of cardinals of her own. And I, in my continual quest to shoot birds and various other wildlife, find myself mildly obsessed with these birds.

Not that I am going to turn into a birdwatcher anytime soon. Although some of my favorite Northern Exposure scenes included Holling and Ruth Ann and their birdwatching adventures. Yet, I do have a thing for cardinals ... especially now that I have realized they are NOT easy.

(Grandma Ginny adored redbirds, too; that could be part of it.)

Cardinals are flighty (no pun intended), especially the females, it seems. Difficult as it is to get a good, clear shot of one of the males, it is even harder to shoot the females.

Today was an adventure. Work sucked, and afterwards, I found myself doing laundry and looking in a killer Chihuahua. And trying to take pictures of this particular cardinal.

This one flitted in after some bread that I had tossed into the back yard. And then some ill-fated macaroni and cheese (and broccoli!) that I basically ruined by putting in too much milk.

This evening, I went back and was telling of my escapades, and suddenly I looked out the front window: There was the cardinal, once again! And me, without my camera (for the moment)!

I gotta find me a new hobby.

: )