Thursday, June 02, 2005


A rather dreary day here today. And, for some reason, I cannot seem to get comfortable, temperature-wise.

(Anyone makes a crack about hot flashes, and you are DEAD MEAT. Got it??!)

: )

A couple of days ago, I noticed these bicycles. I liked the way they are sort of lined-up and leaning together, plus they look kind of old-fashioned to me. Anyhoo, today I moseyed down the street and snapped a shot.

Something about them reminded me of my trip to Amsterdam 4 summers ago. There were bicycles EVERYwhere, and when you walked down the sidewalk, you had to listen for 2 sounds: 1. The ding-ding-ding of the TRAM, and 2. The ding-ding-ding of a bicyclist riding up behind you.

OK, so maybe Amsterdam is a little different from the town in which I live.

OK, so maybe it is a lot different.