Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cake for Breakfast

Is it wrong to eat cake for breakfast?

: )

These are from yesterday morning and evening.

Raindrops on Hibiscus

Blue Vervain

Partridge Pea or Wild Sensitive Plant

(I do not know which it is ... only that it is one of the two.)

Spotted Knapweed

I also shot a picture of a deer on this night, but it did not turn out. I happened to see him (her?) as I drove out of the primitive camping area, back to the blue vervains that I had spotted on my way in. The deer was off to the right side of the road and stood there, looking at me, as I snapped a shot through the windshield. Before I got out of the car, the deer turned and scampered back into the woods. It did not run away until I was making my way across the road, and suddenly I heard this Fooooooshhhhhh! Fooooooshhhhhh! sound.

I looked around and saw the deer bounding further into the woods, back and forth, a little like a downhill skier, swooooooshhhhhhing down a mountainside.

: )