Monday, October 10, 2005

High School Romance

What I’ve learned from all this is that you should never marry your high school sweetheart.

Especially if you were never actually in love with your high school sweetheart to begin with.

“I never really had a high school sweetheart,” I told The Lovely. “I mean, I had all kinds* of high school crushes, but nothing that resembled your typical high school romance; hence, no high school sweetheart.”

I then launched into the tale of my “dream date”: Homecoming 1980. I went with this boy I had been in love with for, oh, at least the better part of the year ... after having been in love with his brother the year before!

The brother was a senior when I was a freshman, and, of course, the instant he found out I liked him, he revealed that he liked my best friend — who happened to like his best friend. So, just to make my life a living hell, the brother ended up taking my best friend to Homecoming. (She went just to make his best friend jealous, she assured me ... and, meanwhile, who sat at home the night of the dance? Yeah, that’s right: Me.)

: (

Anyhoo, that was the end of my crush on that boy. By the end of the school year, however, I had discovered his younger brother, who was 2 years older than I. Ever-so-casually, I started talking to this boy at school and at church group functions, and before you knew it, I had a thing for him; meanwhile, of course, he had developed a thing for one of my good friends (not the same girl that had briefly dated his brother), who had occasionally been putting in a good word for ME! They got together over the summer, and I pretty much accepted the fact that I was not destined to be with this boy, either.

Not too long after school started that fall, though, they broke up. And, somehow, he ended up asking me to the Homecoming dance. And I said yes.

“It was the most boring night of my life,” I told her. “It was no fun whatsoever. He was a total bore; he didn’t even kiss me!”

The crush officially ended that night.

(Oddly enough, a couple of months later, in the dead of winter, I was at a friend’s house for a church retreat, and this boy showed up, late — and drunk! I cornered him upstairs, told him I was angry because I’d never gotten my goodnight kiss at Homecoming ... and then we ended up making out for about an hour.)

: )

* — I was bisexual in high school. I mean, I wasn’t having sex in high school, but if I had been having sex with any of the people on which I had crushes, it could have very well been with males or females ... the female-to-male ratio being about 4-to-1, at least until senior year, when I had pretty much lost interest in boys ... except for the occasional lip-lockage.

: )

Right now, I am having some issues posting pictures. These issues SHALL BE resolved, soon, or else I shall move my journal elsewhere.

(I can’t blog without my pictures!)

: o