Monday, February 27, 2006

Party Girl

You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but right this moment, right now:

I’m baking a cake.

“Yeah, I was gonna surprise you, but then I decided it would be funnier to tell you I am baking you a birthday cake — which also happens to be your favorite kind of cake,” I told The Lovely a few minutes ago.

“Hmm, let me guess: It also happens to be your favorite kind of cake, right?” she said.

“Uh-huh,” I said.

Then, in unison: “Yellow cake with chocolate icing!”

: )

Her favorite, actually, is red velvet cake ... which her mom made her for the pre-birthday bash on Saturday. (I have never attempted to make a red velvet cake, but I have heard that it ain’t easy ... and I know for a fact that at least one person who has attempted to make one ended up with something resembling a red velvet Frisbee.)

: o

Here’s how the herbs are going:

Chives Lavender Dill

Speaking of food (?!):

I tried the buttered lobster bites from Long John Silver’s today, and I have to give them a solid B.

Like everything served at LJS, they were incredibly salty — so salty, in fact, that the sweetness of the lobster was pretty much overpowered. Still, there was a hint of lobster taste. Also, the box of lobster bites, which was about the size of two boxes of playing cards, cost $2.99 — a mite pricey, I thought at first, until I got to thinking about the cost of lobster ... and, now that I think about it, the availability of lobster (or, more accurately, the lack thereof) anywhere else within a 10-mile radius of this town, on any given day, including months with the letter(s) R, Y and/or U.

: )