Monday, June 12, 2006

But time makes you bolder / even children get older ...

(Reprinted from last Thursday’s blog post on my MySpace site. Mostly ’cause I want to remember these moments, always.)

I drive up to her house this evening, ’round about 5:30. I see the kids out back, playing baseball, but she and I are playing tennis at 6, so I figure I’ll go inside, hang out for a few minutes, and then we’ll head to the park.

Johnelle and Shannon both see me, though, so a minute or two later, here comes Shannon. “Hey, Di,” he says in his usual voice, which is rather soft (especially compared to his siblings), “wanna come outside and play baseball with us?”

“We-ell,” I reply, “we’re gonna be leaving for the park in just a few minutes, so ... I don’t know if I’ll have time to ... well, OK, maybe for a little while. I’ll be out in a minute!”

Shannon races to the back door, opens it, and I hear him raise his voice as he says, “Guys, I’ve got good news!”

: )

(He’s going home tomorrow. I’m really gonna miss him.)