Monday, June 21, 2004

All My Little Words, Part 1

You are a splendid butterfly ...

Yes, that is where that phrase comes from, the song by the Magnetic Fields that names this particular post and this online journal of sorts. And I know nothing about the group other than I love that song, but still, I purchased their newest CD a few weeks ago when I saw it at Best Buy.

(Is it criminal that I have not yet listened to it?)

I feel as if I am on the cusp of some kind of breakthrough. Or perhaps that is breakdown??! Ah, who knows.

I am missing someone very much right now. Not for any reason other than I love talking to her.

Choices, though. We all make them, and then we have to live with them. And sometimes the choices we make bring about an end to the things that we love. And then we learn to adjust to life. And adapt. And grow. And flourish, in spite of ourselves.

: )

I shot these today, and I am not quite certain how I managed to take 2 nearly identical pictures, but I did, only one is with flash and the other is without. And I cannot decide which I like better.