Monday, August 09, 2004

Posting vs. Non-posting

I have just decided, upon reading my entry from yesterday evening, that posting song lyrics is a little like not posting at all.

Kind of like posting an Up & Coming for the Community page is not exactly writing a news story. But then again, I am the editor. I am supposed to be editing, not writing.

Yeah, right.

[Random thought: Why is it that I just pushed the MUTE button on my remote control twice, and it did not mute? I mean, it’s not as if I haven’t seen this episode of Nip/Tuck 2 times already!]

[There. Now it’s muted.]

I am at a standstill.

I keep thinking of all these projects. First there was the spare bedroom/studio project. Almost finished, but actually on hold. For 2 months now. Then there was the “transfering of files from the laptop to the desktop computer” project, which I actually have no clue how to do; hence, it continues to go undone.

[Random song in my head: “She’s Come Undone” by Duran Duran.]

Now there is the “save all the photos on my current desktop to CD” project, which I actually have zero interest in doing but know that I need to.

Then, the other day, at this place called Stevens, where The Lovely was checking out some Vera Bradley items — which, I admit, I had no use for, really (I am not really a purse kinda gal; gimme a backpack, baby!), in fact I had barely given her VB billfold a glance, primarily because it is pink (I am equally not a pink kinda gal, either ... though I did like Pink’s Mizzundahstood album, or however you spell it).

Anyhoo, there I am, in Stevens, venturing off toward the picture frames (I AM a frames kinda gal), and I find myself in the middle of the scrapbooking section.

Yes, scrapbooking. Apparently, it has now become a hobby; in fact, my pal KJ has been doing something scrapbooking-related for years, and I am so bad at keeping in touch that I really do not know what brand or company or whatever, but apparently, it is quite popular.

Unlike when I was in high school, and come the start of every school year/tennis season, I would *attempt* to make a scrapbook of my various adventures. Cuttin’ out all the newspaper articles, pastin’ ’em in a scrapbook.

It’d usually last about a week. I would have a whole week’s worth of articles, and then the rest of the book would be blank.

(That is pretty much how I have been at every kind of “real” journal I have ever kept. Not saying this here thing is not real, just that I cannot fold it up with my Pilot G-2 07, blue ink, left inside on the page I just finished writing. And in just about a year and half, I have already done more journaling in here than I ever did “out there”

* Pointing to the world around me, then holding my arms out wide, palms up *

but I have already proven that even this one ebbs and flows ... much like a chatroom, as Troy pointed out just last night.)

[Random observation: Ah, last night ... only 2 nights after I had declared to myself that in spite of all of the conversations I have had with random strangers who eventually became my friends, or fleeting memories, or a girl I cannot seem to forget, and all the fun I have had cruising down and around and all over this Information Superhighway, sometimes I find that it is, indeed, very lonely “in here”

* Pointing to the computer screen, and then to my own clean-cut noggin *

only 2 nights after this declaration/realization, I spent part of Sunday playing online, and a portion of today, and while yeah, it does seem kinda lonely here, there and everywhere, it is all good, mostly.]

: )

So, anyway, the last thing I need to do is take up another project or hobby — not a big fan of that word, “hobby,” reminds me a little of my short-lived stamp-collecting hobby that now consists of occasionally buying blocks of stamps (i.e. James Dean, mainly because I suddenly decided he was NOT overrated, the way I still regard Frank Sinatra and Liz Taylor and, to some degree, even, Barbra Streisand, except that I cannot really think of her that way, not as long as I love her renditions of “Send in the Clowns” and “Memory” ... OK, OK, I take it back, Barbra is most definitely NOT overrated, how could I have even considered it for a nanosecond??!) — and yet, when I found myself in the middle of all these scrapbooking supplies, I could suddenly visualize myself putting together The Perfect Scrapbook.

There were all kinds of papers and stickers and tools (!!) and actual scrapbooks, in all kinds of sizes and textures and what-nots.

Hell, there was even a scrapbooking class going on! And while I am sure you were supposed to have signed up for it, I am equally sure that, with my newfound enthusiasm for the art (? — or would it technically be considered a craft?), they would have most certainly let me take part in the class. Without registering.

Fortunately, right about then I realized I was hungry. I found The Lovely — still wandering around the VB discount display (I must admit, I do like the Villa Red, Americana Red and Emily colors/styles, and the Chocolat and Sherbet styles are nice and flashy ... and if they ever come out with a style titled Diana, I will be forced to give it careful consideration, every last piece of it) — and we headed off to Walt’s for what proved to be the best pizza I’ve ever tasted ... though I could’ve done without the sausage.