Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What I Learned Today (So Far)

I have known for many years now that there is such a thing as red velvet cake; it is wonderfully sweet and colorful and ... complete, somehow. I love it, but I have never attempted to bake it. (Sherry did. It resembled a Frisbee. She suspects she may have used baking powder instead of baking soda ... or vice-versa.) Anyhoo, what I learned today is that there also are such things as red velvet ants. However, they are not ants, really; they are wingless wasps. Which is kinda fun to say: Wingless wasps. Wingless wasps. Wingless wasps. Feels almost as if your mouth is getting some kind of physical workout ... as if that would ever be a concern, really.

: )

I also learnt (heh) that although this new-fangled Blogger upload system is WAY easier than it was before (no more FTP-ing!), it is not foolproof. Took me 4 tries to get that top photo loaded.

Like I said: NOT foolproof.

: )

I am not into the Olympics as much as I thought I would be. Found it kinda cool that Greece won the gold medal in synchronized diving (like I can tell a perfect dive from a belly-buster, times 2!), and just now I was watching the kayak slalom.

I still say having a kayak would be fun. What is it about paddling that appeals to me? As IF I have ever even done it, except for those canoe trips and the whitewater rafting expedition a few years back. Sometime about the solitude, maybe?

Yeah, like I need more alone time. I spend enough time inside this head of mine, thank you very kindly.

Hmmm. The fact that my phone is ringing tells me that the dialup connection is no longer intact ... despite the fact that I appear to be online, still. How nice.