Monday, October 18, 2004

Rainy Days and Mondays

I actually heard that song today. Followed by “Goodbye to Love,” at least I think that is the name of the song, a Carpenters “two-fer Monday,” as opposed to the usual Tuesday. And it was not actually raining at the time when I heard “Rainy Days and Mondays,” but it had been.

And then it poured tonight, but instead of being reminded of the Carpenters (loved her voice, btw), I thought of this line from “Time” by Tom Waits (and when I hear it, Tori Amos is singing it):

The band is going home
It’s raining hammers, it’s raining nails
Yes, it’s true, there’s nothing left for him down here ...

Tonight, while leaving The Lovely’s, after the rain had finally subsided enough for me to venture to my car, when I got to the end of her driveway, I sat and watched the storm far off.

Overhead, I know there is a patch of clear black sky, dotted by an occasional star. To the right is a fingernail moon, covered some by gray clouds. To the left (east) and straight ahead (south), big thunderheads, silhouetted by every lightning flash, roll across the horizon, puffy clouds lit up from behind. Jim Morrison sings, “Come on, baby, light my fire,” on the oldies station before the tornado warning for Pope County (three over from Franklin) interrupts.