Thursday, November 18, 2004


This is by far the coolest game I have seen in the last 5 years. Maybe longer.

Now, keep in mind that I tend to like simple games: For example, Minesweeper can keep me occupied for hours, if I allow it to; in fact, if I ever actually do complete an entire game of it, I will be UNinstalling the game from my computer, just as I did with my previous 2 computers.

(I am nothing if not obsessive.)

Anyhoo, Alice brought in the 20Q from Radica today, and it kept most of the news office entertained all morning. She handed it to me first thing, before I even knew what it was, and told me to think of something, so, naturally, I thought of a Frisbee (??). Twenty questions later: THE DAMN GAME GUESSED THAT I WAS THINKING OF A FRISBEE!!!

Freaky, eh??!

Not that the game is infallible: It did guess “Jack Russell terrier” when Michelle was thinking of her dog, Lucky (who, yes, IS a Jack Russell terrier!) ... and when I was thinking of a bobblehead, it guessed “Pez dispenser” (not a bad try, considering I have 2 of them in my desk at work!) and then “Rubik’s Cube.” (On the anatomical questions: 20Q replied “It’s a dik dik” to one of the inquiries ... and no, it was not ME who thought up that one!!)

: )