More Self-Discovery
Man, I fucking HATE liars.
Not saying I have never lied. Not even saying I have never lied and hurt someone in the process ... which, all double-negatives aside, means that I have lied, and I have hurt someone in the process.
Maybe everyone has; how would I know?
I also hate having to work double-shifts in order to get a day off. Somehow, that does not seem like much of a holiday to me.
On the positive side: It looks as if I will be taking off half the month of December. And that makes it all worthwhile, in my not-so-humble opinion.
: )
For the record: The new U2 album AND the Seinfeld DVDs went on the market today, and I did not run right out and buy either (any?) of them. Three cheers for self-restraint! (Hopefully, there is always tomorrow.)
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