Saturday, January 22, 2005

Friday Night Lights

Nothing like a nearly 3-hour nap (from 8 to 11 p.m.!) to turn your night into a total grogfest!

(Hmmm, I see that now it is actually morning already ... though apparently Blogger time is Eastern time, which is not my time zone AT ALL! *making a slight readjustment*)

: )

Nothing like sitting in my chair at work for, like, 10 hours to give me a total butt-ache (had to throw in a possibly extraneous hyphen there; buttache seemed a little too much like attache, and just does not look right to me). A butt-ache to go with my wanna-be migraine headache. Damn.

However: It is SATURDAY!

And my: I DO love weekends!

: )

Weird week at work this past week. I do not like to write about work because ... well, I am not quite sure why, other than I do not. But this week ... this week, it seemed as if every day, I found a new way to fuck something up. Or, rather, to go about something wrongly, according to this person or that.

I used to be fairly meticulous about my work. I had my 2 pages for which I was responsible, every day, and that seemed to suit me just fine. Sure, I made my share of mistakes (hey, it is not easy to write sports stories when you really, truly are NOT a numbers person!), but as far as typos, misspellings, factual errors, etc.: I kept those to a minimum. To the point which, when I did have the occasional fuck-up (we all have those, right? right?!), it was kind of a big deal because it simply did not happen all that often.

Nowadays, though, as I spend a good portion of each day multi-tasking away, my butt set firmly in my aforementioned chair, it seems the mistakes are more frequent. And this annoys me, highly.

: (

Read a great post by Matt the other day. Reminded me of something I had reminisced about with my pal Lisa J.: My career as the lead singer in an air band.

I know I have written about it before and have posted the long-forgotten photo somewhere ... yet I cannot find it on this computer, and ... oh, wait a minute, here it is. Along with the story of my band.

Sometimes, I miss those days so much, my heart hurts.

But then again ... is that not what life is all about, in some ways? Trying to cram in so many memorable experiences, so much fun, so many great stories, that thinking back on them makes you smile and shake your head and, at the same time, miss them so much that you cannot fully comprehend, really, that they are memories. And that that particular time in your life, no matter what time in your life it happened to be, is never coming back?

These are the thoughts that make me feel, simultaneously, glad and sad and so damn hopeful and thankful, really, for every moment of this life.

(They also make my head hurt a little more because I think I just might need a good cry, actually.)

(Of course, it could just be the weather.)

: )