Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why I Love Dandelions

For one thing, they require nothing from you. No tending, no watering, no nothing.

And they’re hardy. And pesky. Ever tried to get rid of dandelions? I’ve heard their roots are like 20 feet long! Plus, if you kill ’em off, you run the risk of killing off every other plant in your yard, or so I’ve heard.

: )

Yes, I love ’em. Mostly since I started looking at ’em, close-up, through my camera lens.

Plus, they really are the perfect shade of yellow.

: )

I am wearing shorts right now. For the first time this year, not counting when I was down in the Keys — which, apparently, will be our vacation destination again this year, and I could NOT be happier!

Good day for shooting, color-wise.

A flower from my yard, back by the trash can, completely unnoticed by me, ever, ’til the other day.

And now, something blue:

And something that is definitely NOT Flower. (Get it? And look closely: There’s more than one deer here!)