Friday, April 08, 2005


I had the charges wrong in a previous post. Not wrong, actually, but incomplete.

Should have been this:
  • 1 count of open burning
  • 2 counts of accumulation of junk
  • 1 count of excessive weed growth
  • 1 count of animal at large

I had forgotten that last charge. It is the one that makes me wonder; I mean, there is a world of difference between having, say, a ferret at large and having a 20-foot alligator at large.

But I am not an investigative enough journalist to want to find out what kind of animal it is/was.

Matter of fact, these days, I am not all that interested in anything, really.

(I blame it on the time change. And impendingly turning 40.)

Although moments in a day make me smile. Like just now, in chat, when my mom was telling me about a cousin of her uncle’s but how she doesn’t really know the woman and how the woman “doesn’t know me from a load of hay.”

Hehe: A load of HAY!

I used to think Grandma Ginny was the queen of the clever phrase, but now I am starting to think my mom is. I suppose because Mom is so low-key about it; I mean, while I am someone who works VERY hard at being clever in real life (yes, believe it or not, folks, it actually takes some effort ... and a healthy amount of sarcasm ... and someone who “gets” what you are trying to say to begin with), my mom can just toss stuff out there, occasionally, and it is almost as if she did not even notice that it was something funny!

Anyway, I am feeling quite boring right now. NOT that there’s anything wrong with that, necessarily.