Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This is WAR!

I come home this evening from a quick trip to QVC and rub-a-dub Subway, and on my way in, I check on my hibiscus plants — only to find that 3 of the 4 have been dug up and are now GONE!!!

: (

And I can only assume the squirrels did it, and that they prolly ate the plants, which were only, like, an inch or so in height. I mean, it coulda been birds, but there was soil scattered around one of the plants, and I really do not think birds can dig like that.

(Can they?!)

So now I am totally bummed. And feeling like a horrible “parent” and a complete NON-nurturer because I thought I was looking after the plants ... and now 3 of them are gone. Squirrel food, likely. And probably while I was right here, at home, NOT looking after my tiny little plants.

Plus, they were birthday gifts!

Fucking squirrels. And I cannot even blame them, entirely, because they are simply doing what they have to do to survive.

This is my fault. Dammit.

: (