Monday, June 20, 2005

The Last Day of Spring

This is the moon on the last day of spring.

And to think: According to my calendar, the moon is not even officially full ’til Wednesday! (My calendar calls it a “strawberry moon” ... whatever that is.)

: )

Today at work, whilst I was editing photos, I took a closer look at one of my shots from Saturday’s concert and realized that I had managed to snap an inadvertent self-portrait (of sorts) in the bell of a trombone. Now, I have turned up in photos of mirrors and those mesmerizing crystal (??) yard balls and even in the pupil of Shannon’s eye, but I can confidently say this is the first time I have ever “seen myself” in the bell of a trombone. (At least I think it is referred to as a bell; I am not altogether certain, having been the player of a saxophone — obviously, a member of the woodwind family, not the brass family. Though, now that I think about it, I guess a saxophone has a bell, too. Huh.) Anyhoo, I love what you notice sometimes when you really stop to notice things: That’s me, behind the lil’ flash, more or less. (So much for my oblivion theory. Again: Huh.)

: )

Some shots from yesterday, mainly ’cause I’m in the mood to post but not necessarily in the mood to write anything personal, and besides, I have a story to write for tomorrow’s edition that I would like to get finished in the solitude of home, before the night gets too late or my eyes get too droopy, or both.

A Couple of Coneflowers

Coneflower’s Core

Rose of Sharon