Thursday, June 16, 2005

Today’s Question:

How do you eat your corn on the cob?

I have noticed there are basically 3 methods:

1. Row by row (a single row at a time, or multiple rows, all the way across)
2. Round ’n’ round (eating a mouth-width at a time and continually/continuously turning the cob until you have basically circled it)
3. Haphazardly (no real pattern whatsoever)

I eat mine row by row, which is why I listed that method first. I actually eat 4 rows at a time, end to end, before moving on to the next 4 rows.

The photo above is roasted corn, which is/was, in a word, awesome. Plus you get to hold it sorta like a light saber, which is/was, in a couple of words, very cool.

(I am so incredibly easily entertained, sometimes.)

: )