Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday Night Rain

Another long day, relatively exhausting day — but tonight, just a few moments ago, actually, not too long after I had polished off a couple of slices of THE BEST pizza (a medium thin crust with sausage) in this town, from a somewhat new place called Cathy Ann’s:

Rain began falling. With a low, non-threatening rumble of thunder every few minutes.

I have nothing to do — well, OK, this entire house needs to be cleaned/straightened up, but there is no way that is going to happen tonight — and nowhere to be. Just me and the TV, with films nearby if I need them, and CDs a-plenty and the stereo (everything is off at the moment, though, while I listen to the rain — everything but the computer; matter of fact, the only light in this room is the harsh glare of my monitor and some green indicator lights on various gadgets, as well as some outdoor lights coming in through various windows).

I am tired but alert.

I am missing one of my friends tonight. Oh, I know she’s out there, and I’m pretty sure she’s OK, but I miss her when she’s not around. Just sayin’.

I feel as if I am in complete Summer Mode. Which is not always a good thing, but somehow, it really doesn’t seem all bad, either.

And I need some new tennis shoes. Not actual tennis shoes; I have a pair of shoes to play tennis in. I need some good gettin’-around shoes — some running shoes, actually, or perhaps some cross trainers. Or maybe some of those hiking shoes, like those ACG-style shoes by Nike.

’Cause, you know, sometimes I actually do go outside and stomp around a little bit.

: )

I believe these are Black-eyed Susans, from my drive yesterday evening.

Oh, and I finally got me a hay-bale shot. And a barn — which, as I drove past, looked to be a VERY cool barn because it was quite old and rustic (?? — not sure that is the word I am looking for) and appeared to have some great gaps along the walls and ceiling, so it would probably get some really awesome lighting at different times of the day — but of course it had a big ol’ No Trespassing sign on it.

Someday, though, I might get brave and simply ask: “Hey, mind if I shoot your kick-ass barn?”

Who could refuse me?

My girl really likes this plant-covered silo. Reminds me, ever-so-slightly, of some of the old buildings where I went to school, including the dorm that I lived in, which was partially covered (that is an oxymoron, isn’t it? I mean, how can something be partially covered? It’s either covered, or not covered ... right?) by ivy.

And then, of course, there’s Wrigley Field.

Again, though, this is a silo. And a fence. And a tree. And some other stuff.