Thursday, July 21, 2005

Full Moon, Chapter 7

Yes, there is a full moon tonight, but the sky is cloudy. Not heavy clouds — I saw a bright star (or perhaps it is a planet) in the Western sky — but enough that I did not feel like waiting around for the moonrise.

Instead, I went to the car wash. And came home with a couple of quasi-abstracts. (Actually, these are from the Spot-Free Rinse.)

: )

And right now I am half-watching a show called Sex Change.

I am fascinated by transgendered people. Oddly enough, I do not know any — even though, even in our small little town, there actually is (at least) one person who has had a sex change. And she has been to the news office, but I was not there, so I have not met her.

I do not find transgenderism freaky or bizarre or all that out of the ordinary. I do feel a strong sense of empathy for anyone who feels, at the very core of their being, that they are not the gender/sex that they appear to be.

What could be more difficult?

On another tangent:

The heat index today and yesterday has been well over 100 degrees, yet there we all were, playing tennis. I perspired more today than I have in a long, long time.

It felt amazingly good.

And now I am watching The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And I still do not totally get it ... but perhaps I am not supposed to. I do think Kate Winslet is particularly lovely in this film, as is Kirsten Dunst (at least her character is, anyway), and Jim Carrey is wonderful. Even without being all Jim Carrey-like. (I actually never liked him until my sister revealed to me that she was a huge Jim Carrey fan; somehow, that prompted me to reconsider. Turns out she was right: He is very funny. And, let’s be honest: Kinda cute!)

: )