Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I overslept this morning. And I almost never oversleep.

And I am not quite sure why I overslept because I went to bed at my usual time and drifted right off to sleep. I remember waking up about half an hour before I usually get up and thinking, hmm, I have another half hour to sleep. And then, an hour and 14 minutes later, I awoke.

And the alarm had not been set. And I could have sworn that I had set it before I went to bed ... so, maybe I turned it off when I woke up earlier and simply forgot.

Who knows.

Strange thing, oversleeping.

: \

Went on a mini road trip today, and I could not help noticing that we are on the cusp of fall.

Sure, it has been fall for several days now, but this is when the season is really starting to hit.

Most of the trees are showing hints of the colors to come. And the days are noticeably shorter, light-wise.

I love and hate this time of year.

Much as I love nighttime, I dread the darkness.

Mums are cheerful, though.