Sunday, November 27, 2005

Midnight at the Oasis

Heh. Actually, it is just past midnight amidst the chaos here.

And in case anyone was wondering: Yes, the previous post was, indeed, a dream. From the wee hours of the morning, after which, upon waking, I drug my ass to the computer and typed out everything I could remember, just so I would not forget, mainly because this one was so, uhm, action-packed (and mostly meaningless) and vivid.

And now, here in the real world, I am watching Titanic for the umpteenth time ... and yes, I will be glad when HBO quits showing it, as I am pretty much compelled to watch it every time I see that it is on.

And earlier today, I had my second Thanksgiving meal, this one featuring a deep-fried cajun-spiced turkey breast that The Lovely had ordered from QVC. And let me just say: It was FABulous! And, admittedly, I am already looking forward to a toasted turkey and Swiss, possibly on rye, tomorrow and the next day.

: )

I played football today and also found a dozen buckeyes. Life is good.