Thursday, March 23, 2006


OK, admittedly, I have been a total slacker when it comes to my bloggity blog.

In my defense, work has been extremely busy lately and I am fighting off a cold/sinus infection. And the weather has been horrible.

Not to mention the ever-annoying Blogger!

: (

OK, with all of that out of the way:

1. I have lost all interest in the NCAA Tournament ... even though it is probably one of the best NCAA Tournaments in the entire history of NCAA Tournaments.

I figure this is because I am basically OFF sports. I simply have no interest in sports. Which I find very odd and strangely disconcerting, but ... I am. OFF.

2. Except for tennis.

I had a marathon tennis session last week when our 6.5 combo league doubles team traveled to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, for the USTA Sectional Championships. And: We did not win a single match. But: We had a good time. And: We competed well in every match.

Matter of fact, all four matches that my partner and I played were winnable. Which, I suppose, should make losing all four matches even less bearable; somehow, though, all I could take from last weekend was a positive outlook on tennis.

Plus, according to my partner, one of our opponents said I was a smart player. And, according to one of my teammates who was watching our final match, other people in the audience said I moved well on the court.

A smart player! Who moves well on the court!

I am not certain such accolades have ever been attributed to me. In fact, I am pretty sure such compliments have NEVER been directed my way.

: )

OK, that is all I have for now.