Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Just a few from the past couple of days.

Restin’ Robin (tweet, tweetle-ee-deet!)

Crunchin’ Cardinal

Watchin’ Whitetail

I almost missed the deer. I was driving out of one of the picnic areas at Wayne Fitzgerrell State Park this afternoon and glanced to my left just before I got to the bike/hiking trail. Off to my left were three or four white-tailed deer, snacking on the vegetation. I slowed the car, which usually prompts deer to bolt away. This one stayed and stared me down for several seconds, allowing me to snap a few pictures before it ran off.

(One of the things I love love LOVE about digital photography is that I know, immediately, whether I got the shot or not, instead of having to wait to get my pictures back! Granted, if I did not get the shot, I am still out of luck ... but at least I know, instantaneously.)

: )