Saturday, April 08, 2006

The First Time

Heh. Which reminds me that, earlier today, I had the Styx song, “The First Time,” running through my head:

It’s the first time / The first time for love ...

Heh. I wanna say that’s from the Styx Cornerstone album ... which, admittedly, I was QUITE fond of back in the day (sometime during the early 1980s; I was actually obsessed with “Babe” there for a bit ... yeah, and NOT the pig!) ... but I am not certain. Fairly sure, though.

: )

Anyhoo, the real reason for the title of this post is this quote (or something close to it) by Maya Angelou:

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them. The first time.”

Brought to my attention by my dear pal Paté, whom I have known for more than half my life, who showed me who she was the first day I met her and has remained honest and loyal and true from the very start.

And there are others, too, who have shown me who they are, in similarly good ways. And I have believed them, and in them, and I have rarely been disappointed. And even in those moments of chaos and disagreement and sometimes even sadness, knowing them (and them knowing me, I suppose) has gotten us all through everything.

There are still others, though, whom I have been shown, unexpectedly — or, admittedly, sometimes right from the start — exactly who they are, and I have refused to see it. Have even willingly overlooked exactly what they are all about because I thought I saw something ... else.

I wonder: Does anyone else ever do this? Does everyone, at one time or another?