Monday, May 01, 2006

A Couple of Smile-Inducing Things

Actually, today there were at least three.

First of all, there was this:

Which might not seem like much; however, a few short weeks ago, I ordered a Poppy Allegro plant from Burpee & Co., and it appeared to be in not too great a shape when it arrived. I gave it some water then gave it a few days before repotting it (I fear I may have contracted poison ivy/oak/sumac/whatever on that particular day!) ... and a few days later, the poppy plant was dead!

Or so I thought.

I noticed that little sprout this morning. It made me smile.

The second thing that made me smile was flipping my hummingbirds calendar to May (trust me, after the aggravation of this weekend, it felt wonderful to start a new month!) and seeing a picture of a mama hummingbird and two baby birds in their nest, their mouths open wide.

During my bean-burrito-and-medium-Pepsi lunch, this made me smile:

Now that is funny!

: )