Thursday, August 19, 2004

Midnight at the Oasis

Send your camel to bed ...

OK, it’s not midnight here, but it’s not all that far off.

And it’s almost Friday, which is the best part, and I am awake enough to want to write. Plus, you never know whom you might encounter, late at night. Especially late-late at night.

But then, you actually know better than to hope so. Or to look, even.

I watched The Year of Living Dangerously tonight. Courtesy of Netflix. And oh, I am enjoying that, yes, I am: You fill your queue; you receive your movies; you watch your movies; you send your movies back. All by mail. Postage paid. Most importantly: NO LATE FEES. Plus, the fact that new movies get sent out from your Q once your movies have been sent back keeps the pressure on to get the movie watched and get it back. Gotta love that.

: )

Anyway, regarding tonight’s movie: Damn, I love it. I think, I think, that I first watched this one at my dad’s house, probably on HBO. He liked it very much, if memory serves me correctly. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Mel Gibson has never looked better than he does in this film. And as for Sig ... damn, damn, damn. So plain, really, but damn. Something about her ... yeah.

And in the shout-outs department: Linda Hunt is amazing. The character of Billy Kwan is magnificent, and her portrayal is simplysuperb. (I also found myself appreciating Bembol Roco, the actor who plays Kumar, very much during this viewing.)

Yesterday, I watched Lost in Translation. Several very good moments in that one. Very slow. I love the way Charlotte looks at Bob whenever they are together ... and I love the embrace at the very end. And the elephants walking across the screen.

(Does everything have to remind me ...?)

Yes. Yes, it does.

: )

Back to Dangerously: I love how Guy leaves the tape player on the counter at the airport, there at the very end. No job is better or bigger than love. I mean, come on! Plus, that’s Sig waiting for him, just inside the jet!

: )