Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Etc., Whatever

My right shoulder hurts. I am not quite sure why it hurts, or when it started hurting, but it does. Not bad or anything, but it seems to be getting steadily worse. I suspect it could be a tennis injury, or maybe that I have been sleeping on it wrong (wrongly?), and what the heck, it could be from computer use.

All of that is OK, though, because day after tomorrow, I am on VACATION. And to say that this will be a much-needed break would be ... well, an understatement.

: )

I believe if I can get recharged, one more time, I should be good to go until December. Which is when I am supposed to go to the Keys. Provided Hurricane Charley or Frances or Ivan (or the impending Karl or Lisa) have not completely decimated South Florida. (Say a little prayer for this, IF you are so inclined. You might even get a postcard out of the deal!)

: )

Random thoughts:

  • Wonder why every time I log into Blogger and click on my link-thingie, it always says I have 42 posts. Perplexing, really.
  • Is the half-moon tonight half full, or half empty? (I say FULL, of course!)
  • What on EARTH did I do with my Rend Lake College T-shirt? She is going to want me to wear it, and I have NO idea where it is, at this moment!
  • Although I am officially a Cubs fan, I honestly am rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals to go all the way to AND win the World Series this year. Mainly because the Cards are much more fun to watch than the Cubs, this season. And also because my closest pals are Cardinals fans, and they seem to get much more bent out of shape when the Cards lose than I do when the Cubs lose. And also because my dad was a diehard Cardinals fan, and I still feel a little bad about 1985, when they got TOTALLY screwed on a call at first base during Game 6 and ended up losing the World Series in 7 games, and I gave my dad such a hard time about it. (He would really really love watching this team, I have decided.)
  • Unexpected compliments ROCK. And they make me smile.

That is all for now. My shoulder hurts. Hope my Advil liqui-gels kick in, and SOON. Otherwise, I am going for the hard stuff (Tylenol 8-hour, big whoop).

: )