Monday, October 25, 2004


No, I am not talking about the new alleged hit series, Lost, on ABC. Yes, I am talking about my Over the Rhine Films for Radio CD that I have been looking for, for oh, about the last half hour or so. To no avail. Which is driving me NUTS, especially since I absolutely KNOW I just saw it, somewhere, recently. I mean, I can visualize the red coat on the cover, and I seem to remember thinking, hmmm, this is not where it should be ...

And now, here I am. Or rather, there it is: LOST!

I can see how people go completely mad: It comes from having misplaced something and being utterly unable to locate it. And to think, just this morning, at work, I casually asked if anyone there had ever looked and looked and looked for something, only to find it, several minutes later, in your own HAND??!

I can remember doing that one time with one of my favorite dolls, or rather, one of my favorite doll pets, this little black bear with green sunglasses on (!) whom we called Beary (original, eh?). This was during Outdoor Barbie Season, so all of the dolls and clothes and cars and other assorted crap had been hauled outside, out to the trunk and roots of the biggest maple tree on the boulevard (there were 3 maple trees there, back then; now there is 1), where Barbie and Ken and Big Jim and Josh and Steve Austin and Gary and all the others lived, during the summer months. I looked and looked for Beary (he belonged to Gary, who was actually one of the miniature Barbies, part of the Dawn dolls set, but he was about half the size of regulation-sized Barbie and Ken, so we pretended he was their son ... even though his sideburns were longer than those on Malibu Ken ... but not longer than those on Mod Hair Ken ... when Mod Hair Ken was in Full Facial Hair Mode, that is), and finally, after just about giving up on my search, I looked down, and there he was. In my hand. The whole time!

: )

So I have given up on Films for Radio, for now. As I searched through my somewhat organized chaotic CD collection, though, I had to smile. I like my music. I realize, though, that I have not even listened to some of my music; I actually have a few CDs that are still in their plastic wrap. Can you even believe that??! I cannot.

And Christmas is JUST around the corner ... hmmm ...

I also realize I have no idea how many CDs I have. I do know I have several CDs. Not enough to qualify as an overwhelming amount, but more than some people have. And far less than others have. I also have a couple of CDs by people I have barely even heard of.

I find it ironic that I have a CD by Elliott Smith called Happiness. Not ironic that I have the CD, just ironic that Elliott would actually record an album by that name. I seem to recall buying it from a bargain bin at one of the chain music stores; I do not believe I have ever listened to it. (I adore his songs on the Good Will Hunting soundtrack.)

: )

This morning, we received a call from someone who had seen a deer running through the public square. Which would obviously be quite strange if it occurred in Times Square, but in a small, somewhat rural community like this one ... well, it is not the strangest thing that has ever happened on our square, I can assure you. So, anyway, one of our reporters (who is actually our only reporter, now that I think about it) heads off to the square, which is approximately half a block from the news office.

This call comes in whilst I am in the bathroom, so I am apprised of the situation upon my return to my desk. At which point I head to the back door, from which I can see the square, and our reporter, who by this time is trudging back to the news office because she has not seen any sign of a deer. She tells me she is going to take her car to go look for it, and because she also has an appointment to shoot another photo in just a few minutes.

Twenty minutes later, I get a call from a woman who lives about six blocks from the news office: An eight-point buck has just run head-on into her chain-link/cyclone fence, broken his neck and died. Right there in her driveway.

Obviously, the poor deer was lost.