Saturday, November 27, 2004


Apparently, when I was 3 years old, I was “highly intelligent.” That’s according to Aunt Janie, who once told me, “I patterned you after myself.” Which scared me, but only a little. (I am kidding.)

I like to hear about how I was as a kid. Mainly because ... well, I was there, of course, but I was in here ... not outside of me, observing. And every once in a while, I think back to some mean thing I did, and I wonder: “Was I a bad kid?” And then I remember times when I felt BAD, and sad, and I think: “Was I unhappy as a kid?” And then there are parts that I cannot recall because, well, I was just too young.

Occasionally, I ask Aunt Janie.

This time, she was telling us about how, when Mom had Debra, she was in charge of me ... which prompted my question: “What was I like as a kid?”

“Oh, you were highly intelligent,” Aunt Janie said. She knew this, she said, because I could say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” when I was only 3 years old.

I love my aunt.

: )

Although being deemed “highly intelligent” became the joke of the day at Thanksgiving dinner, and my sister could not resist any chance to remind me of it ... especially after she and Cousin Karen defeated Carrie and me in Trivial Pursuit.

What can I say? I figured out what an anthropophagist eats (people!) but could not come up with the term for the process of splitting an atom (fission).

Hey, what can I say? I am not a rocket surgeon!

: )

I think there must be some truth to triptophan (sp?) and turkey. I awoke Friday morning and felt as if I had been out on an all-night bender, or perhaps drugged; plus, I am pretty sure I slept the entire night on my left side. (Am I wrong, or does that seem incredibly strange?) Never really could get going the next day, especially not by spending 10 hours in front of my computer at work. Gads, remind me next year to insist on having a full staff working the day before AND after Thanksgiving ... either that, or I am taking Wednesday and/or Friday off myself.

: (

Is it just me, or has this year flown by faster than any in recent memory?

I have been told this is because we are getting older. And with every passing year, each year becomes a smaller percentage of our lives. Which is the reason that, when you are 6, it seems to take forever for your birthday or Christmas to get here ... and when you are 39, you realize that Christmas has come and gone before you even finish typing this sentence.

Well ... maybe not that quickly.

Personally, I think the year has flown by so fast because my mind is clear. Finally. Not to say that I don’t feel an occasional pang, and that I wouldn’t trade a few anxious, sleepless nights to hear that sweet, familiar voice (Suuure!), but for the most part, clear is good.

Clear is great, actually.