Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Unsophistimicated : )

Another one of the qualities I like about me is that I am pretty unsophisticated when it comes to music.

Yeah, I have lots of CDs. And cassettes. Way more CDs than cassettes, though, but I know people that have way more CDs than I have. And way less. And I really could not care less.

: )

Sometimes (but not very often, really), I make mixes. Mix-tapes were fun to make, but challenging, too, because you have to make sure to run off a certain amount of tape at the beginning to avoid starting a song 2 or 3 seconds into the song, then push Pause, then push Play/Record, then queue up the first song, be it on the turntable (way back when!) or on the other side of the dual-deck, and then push Play on that deck as you pushed Pause (which actually UNpaused) on the other deck.

Mix-CDs are way easier. Too easy, really. So easy that I often think, hmm, I really should make a mix-CD for such-and such (I say “hmm” a lot, in my thoughts), but then I think, aw, I can do that tomorrow night; it will only take a couple of minutes. And then 2 months later, I will realize I still have not burned that mix-CD.

Tonight, Aaron asked, “Why ARE the Beatles so popular?”

And I typed a few paragraphs in response to the question, but the bottom-line, for me, is this:

Why do they appeal to me? Because I love their music!

How unsophisticated is that??!

Heck, I can’t say I love all of their music; I haven’t even heard all of their music.

I just know that I liked what I heard when my sister bought (or more likely had bought for her) that album with what quickly became my 2 favorite Beatles songs, “Chains” and “Twist & Shout.” And then we made the cardboard guitars for the dolls, and then we propped the speaker in the window and blasted Beatles music over to Kim and Jerry’s house. (Their last name was Lewis. Which means in my world, I knew of 3 people named Jerry Lewis ... only this Jerry Lewis is the only Jerry Lewis who ever got to cop a free feel of yours truly during a camping expedition in the front yard ... but that’s neither here nor there, really.)

: )

And next, my sister got The Magical Mystery Tour album. And that record was filled with wonderful songs like “Fool on the Hill” and “I Am the Walrus.”

And right about that time, we found out the Beatles were not even a band anymore ... and that they, in fact, had broken up YEARS before we even “discovered” them!

But: So what??!