Friday, December 03, 2004

Friday Night Writes

Is there any food better than homemade ranch dressing? The real kind, the kind you make with a cup of buttermilk dressing and a cup of mayo and a package of Hidden Valley ranch spices?

I don’t think so.

To paraphrase George Costanza:

If it were socially acceptable, I would drape myself in ranch dressing. (Of course, he would have said “velvet” instead of “ranch dressing.” And obviouly, I am not going to drape myself in ranch dressing ... but, given the proper setting, I might consider doing shots of it!)

: )

Speaking of George: I have never been as happy walking into Wal-Mart as I was yesterday when I saw my pals George, Elaine, Kramer and Jerry on the cover of their DVDs, right there in the main aisle.


And if I don’t get those DVDs for Christmas ... well, someone is going to be a veddy, veddy unhappy camper. That’s right: ME!!

: )

I read earlier this week at 40% of Americans are on some kind of prescription medication.

I realized this might be the first time I have ever been in the majority, in any category!

(Which can only mean my drug-free days are numbered.)

: )

My pal Patti sent me this snippet of conversation between her and her 4-year-old, Charlie, who had just returned from T-ball practice.

Charlie: We had a new teacher.
Patti: That’s nice.
Charlie: A GIRL teacher.
Patti: Some girls play T-ball.
Charlie: Some do. Some don’t (very “that’s life”-like tone).
Patti: Do you know what girl likes T-ball?
Charlie: Who?
Patti: Di likes to play T-ball.
Charlie: She loves me.

He’s right. About the “she loves me” part. I have never actually played T-ball, but I do keep a T-ball bat under my desk at work. When I was a kid, I went straight to playground baseball and eventually played organized softball for a couple of years, and I can still whack the ball from both sides of the plate ... though I actually prefer playing defense.

: )

This is from my windshield a couple of mornings ago.

I mean, not having a garage is a major BITE sometimes, but ... sometimes, it results in more beauty.

And this photo reminded me of Christmas ... sorta: