Friday, June 24, 2005

Blah Blah Blog

I love when I read about a New! and Improved! feature on Blogger, only to realize that I have been using that New! and Improved! feature on my bloggity blog for, oh, only about as long as I have had a Blogger bloggity blog.

: )

Though I notice the Add Image feature does offer more functions ... and yet, when I just attempted to use it: Major fuck-up!

And I am not at all pleased with the sudden scrunched-up look of all my little words in the text of my online journal (sounds SO much more serious than bloggity blog). Something is DEFINITELY not exactly right with the leading (at least, that is what we call it in the news biz), but I will have to worry about that another day.

This is from my trip to The Ville.


This is from this morning at work.


Today the local fire department announced that next week, it will be testing all of the hydrants south of West Main Street and west of South Main Street. Which sounds a little confusing, until you tell yourself, Hmmm, they must mean all of the hydrants in the southwest quadrant of the city. (Mr. Defend, my high school algebra AND geometry teacher, was right: We WILL use math in The Real World!)

Anyhoo, I went searching for the perfect hydrant for as some artwork for the story. I quickly came to the conclusion that this town has THE ugliest fire hydrants I have ever seen. So I decided to find the best-looking one I could find.

This one sorta resembles an actual firefighter, I have decided. Covered with foliage.

: )

I remember when I was a kid, back in The Ville, they painted all of our hydrants like actual cartoon characters. I seem to remember a Winnie the Pooh hydrant ... but then again, I could be hallucinating.

Personally, I think all fire hydrants and all fire engines should be red. Fire-engine red, preferably.

: )

OK, now I need to go obsess over my text for a bit.