Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Lightning, Part 2

This post is not about my grandfather.

: )

Here in the Midwest, we are on the verge of snapping what seems like it has been a 3-week heat wave, and I could not be happier. Well, I take that back: I could always be happier. Couldn’t each of us, one and all, be a little taller? A little thinner? A little richer (as if I could ever even hope to be rich, let alone richer)? Just a wee little bit happier, no matter how gleeful we happen to be?

Anyhoo, there appears to be a storm approaching. The wind has picked up, and ever since just after dark, the sky has been lightninging. (Is lightninging a word? I can — and have! — used it in a sentence!) Just before dark, however, I spent about 50 minutes longer than I intended out at Wally World, waiting for the 1-hour photo to print me up a couple of 8-by-10s. Which were not ready in an hour, as promised, so I ended up getting the prints for free.

Or, rather, I got the prints for free PLUS the $57 or so that I spent getting Wal-Marted (yes, it’s a verb — or, in this case, possibly a gerund or a participle, I don’t remember which; OK, actually, of the two, it would be a participle: gerunds and participles may both end in -ing, but of the two, only a participle can end in an -ed ... plus gerunds function as nouns, participles as adjectives ... so, yeah).

Oh, noooooooooo, I don’t miss teaching English at all! (By the way, the word teaching, just then: gerund!)

And now, as I type: Rain falls and thunder booms. Perfect!

: )

So, back to my story: After Wal-Jack, I drop by The Lovely’s to drop off THE BEST photo ever taken of her grandson. On my way home, I notice this fabulous lightning behind huge thunderclouds all across the northwest sky, so I think, hmmm, perhaps I should head out to the lake and see if I can capture it on film. Or, rather, disk.

After several attempts and capturing NO IMAGES WHATSOEVER, I decided to call it quits. At just that instant, however, I somehow managed to take a picture of some lights near where I was shooting.

And then I went a little crazy.

: )

I titled these ink-blot fashion.

Di Lasso’s the Lights

O, Christmas Trees

!!!!!! (What Woodstock Says ... Sorta)

Old-Fashioned Bicycles

Almost Di

W — but NOT as in Bush!

OK, that was fun: A half-assed grammar lesson and a slightly psychotic barrage of digital images.

Wonder what kind of mischief I can get into tomorrow?

: )

P.S. Kudos to Greg Maddux for recording his 3,000th strikeout tonight. I adore Mad Dog!