Monday, July 04, 2005

Searching for Sunflowers, Part 1

This morning I went out, armed with only my Kodak 6490 (which I fall more in love with every time I use it ... and I have had it for way over a year now!), a couple of cinnamon raisin biscuits and a large iced tea w/extra ice. I wanted to see what was happening at the lake, but mostly, I wanted to shoot those sunflowers I had seen earlier in the week whilst watching after Kam-corder.

During my drive through Wayne Fitzgerrell State Park, I saw some flowers that I thought were black-eyed Susans ... but then, I started to wonder if they might be yellow coneflowers. So I snapped a few and then looked ’em up once I’d returned home.

Turns out they are purple-headed sneezeweeds! (You can actually see the purple in the next shot.) Somehow, they remind me of getting my hair cut (that lil’ apron Margaret used to put on me and how it flares out ... don’t ask). Or those little Fisher-Price family characters. (Again: Don’t ask.)

I also happened upon some butterfly milkweed — which, when I first saw it, through the brush as I drove by, I thought was red but later realized was orange.

And, yes, I did, indeed, shoot the sunflowers.

And I will post more, later.

: )

On an entirely unrelated note:

I have been watching/listening to Beverly Hills Ninja over the past hour or so, and I have laughed OUT LOUD at least 5 times ... and I am not even paying close attention!

I miss Chris Farley.

: (