Sunday, July 03, 2005

Wimbledon ’05

Watched Roger Federer defeat Andy Roddick today, and while I was pulling for Roddick, it’s impossible NOT to feel good for ol’ Roge ... I mean, the guy is so damn good, and he appears to be so calm during the match, but then once it’s over ... wow, how emotional.

And I missed the Venus Williams-Lindsay Davenport match yesterday, but I was rooting for Venus. I still favor her of the two Williams sisters (yeah, it’s a big sister thang), and it’s always cool to see someone win when everyone has basically written her off as a has-been.

Random Tootsie Dialogue

Dorothy Michaels: Were you ever famous?
John Van Horn: No.
DM: Then how can you be a has-been?

: )

This is a barn in Tuscola. Apparently, it’s made out of those cement cinder-block thingies (whatever they’re called) and is actually kind of an oval-shaped structure.

I thought it looked patriotic.

During yesterday’s 6-hour round-trip that somehow, thanks to a combination of factors, turned into an 8-hour misadventure in east-central Illinois, I kept seeing these blue flowers alongside the highway.

Then I got to shoot one up-close, at the Tuscola Dairy Queen.

I heard this guy chirping today, and then he landed nearby whilst I was taking out the garbage.