Sunday, October 16, 2005


Again, as is happening more and more frequently (frequentlier?), my mind is a blank.

Except to say that, as far as Sundays go, this one had many of the qualities that I adore: Nothing I had to do and nowhere I had to be. Gorgeous weather. Good games ... with the exception of the fact that the Cardinals’ offense has gone into the tank, and that, combined with some mediocre to poor umpiring during this evening’s game, has allowed the Astros to take a 3-1 lead in the National League Championship Series.

Which, if I actually were a Cardinals fan, would trouble me greatly. As it is, I am wondering if there will even be a Game 6, let alone a Game 7 — and me, with tickets to both!

: (

This shot would undoubtedly be more colorful if the leaves on the maple tree — the maple leafs! — in my backyard had fully turned; however, how can you count on the same clouds showing up, once they have?

Here are a couple of other shots from the yard:

I found some berries out by the lake ...

... and a different kind of Web site.

This bull still doesn’t like me.

I thought this fencepost was kind of cool.

OK, time to watch Cold Case.

: )