Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I have always had a bit of trouble with reverse.

When I turned 16 and took my driving test, the only deduction I received was on the part in which I was supposed to back the car, straight, for, like, 50 feet.

I mean, to heck with any of the tricky stuff that I had struggled with — such as parallel parking — during behind-the-wheel. What gave ME trouble was going in reverse, on a straightaway, with no other cars in sight.

(Coincidentally, the last name of the guy who gave me my driving test had the same last name as my girlfriend [her married name, anyways]. Small world, eh?)

My favorite part was when he told me, in rapid succession, “OK, now, you’re going to turn right at the next intersection, drive 2 blocks, then turn left at the next intersection.” I turned right at the next intersection, drove 2 blocks and then, just before I got to the next intersection, I said (just to make sure), “Now, I turn left at this intersection, right?”

“You’re going to have to pay attention!” he snapped at me.


Sometimes, what’s found on the reverse side is more interesting.

Reminds me of a hand, somehow.

Or going to the eye doctor, and how he (or she; my eye docs are a husband-wife tag-team tandem, I go to either one, no preference, really) shines the light in my eyes and I can see those little veins or arteries or capillaries or whatever they are in there.

On my previous Web site, I included the sentence, “I am left-eye dominant,” because I am. Not that it matters to anyone but me, but when I shoot photos, I look through the viewfinder with my left eye. Now that I use a digital camera almost exclusively (I threw the “almost” in there because I like to think I am “old school” when it comes to photography; I mean, after all, I can develop my own film, if necessary ... as long as it’s black-and-white ...), I mostly look at the LCD screen on the back of the camera when I shoot.

I am also pretty sure I am left-foot dominant. Again: who cares? It really doesn’t even matter to me; I mean, it’s not as if I play soccer or kickball or anything. (Seems like when I stub a toe, it’s usually one on my right foot. Not sure that’s relevant to anything, really.)

Anyhoo, my eye doctor (the male one) told me you are usually dominant in the same eye as your particular handedness. And I am right-handed (but secretly wish I were a lefty), so the other stuff seems to go against the usual.

Of course, I can switch-hit. So go figure.

: )