Monday, June 19, 2006

Gold & Barnlight

I took a turn down a road leading to the Greenwood Cemetery, mainly because the cemetery had an American flag flying on a tall pole, surrounded by tombstones, and I thought it might make for a good picture with the sunlight shining over the trees. However, the sun was too bright and the cemetery was too dark, and there was simply too much contrast.

I continued down the road, which quickly became a rocky one-lane pathway of sorts. Not too bumpy, though, so I thought I would follow it to see where it went. The road curved to the right (east) and I could see an old barn ahead and off to the left (north). Just past the barn was a white house that could have been lived-in; a 1970s model sedan was parked in the yard.

The car had grass growing up past its tires, so I figured no one was home. I snapped four shots of the barn and then drove back the way I had come in. (The road appeared to keep going a ways to the east, but I suddenly had that Talking Heads song, “Road to Nowhere,” playing in my head.)

We’re on a road to nowhere; come on inside ...