Sunday, September 26, 2004

How to Cure Shoulder Pain

Somehow, miraculously, during the 1st day of vacation, my shoulder healed. And I am not quite sure how this happened, but I have several explanations:
  1. My entire right arm enjoyed more than 18 hours straight with no computer usage (this would end up being 4 full days of rest ... which does not necessarily explain the initial healing, however).
  2. Having every neck, shoulder AND butt muscle clenched whilst driving a van/bus for 10 hours alleviated the pain.
  3. Carrying 2 overstuffed suitcases (one was mine, the other belonged to The Lovely) up a steep flight of stairs somehow located my (unbenownst-to-me) DISlocated shoulder.

Honestly, I believe it was No. 3. Combined with the healing effects of No. 1. Though my muscles certainly WERE clenched during the drive to Wichita, Kansas. And back.

And right now, I am too tired to write about it.