Thursday, July 28, 2005

Doggie Catnip High

I got my cat high. On a green-and-white stuffed doggie filled with catnip.

DISCLAIMER (for all the people in this universe who take the world a little too fucking seriously, sometimes): I do not use drugs — well, except for an occasional handful of ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen. I do not condone the use of drugs, though I most certainly do not condemn anyone else for using them — unless, of course, that person plans to be driving on a road on which I or anyone I know and love happens to be traveling, also. I do not drink alcohol very often — not because I do not like the feeling of being intoxicated (I do!), but because, generally, drinking (gerund!) so much as a swallow or two of a beverage containing alcohol makes me feel like shit the next day. No animals were harmed in the posting of this post.

: )