Thursday, August 04, 2005

Is it the weekend yet?

Hanging on, just hoping to get through the work week.

Good tennis tonight, the best part being when I looked over and there stood Kameron, next to the fence, watching his mom and me play doubles. He was smiling and watching our every move, and it felt so sweet, somehow, to know that he will never remember those moments, but I will.

I even had a couple of instances in which, normally, I might have let fly with an expletive or two. (Yeah, I know: Difficult to believe!) And I actually told myself, Hey, you have to watch what you say; Kameron is watching — and listening!

Fortunately, I was able to keep myself in line. And Sherry and I won 6-2, 6-1; more importantly, the team won 3-0.

Rock on, baby!

: )

What kind of a tennis player am I? Well, I can hit lots of different shots, from all different spots on the court. I do not hit with tremendous topspin the way many players do; in fact, if there is topspin on the balls I hit, it is purely accidental, usually. I do mix up my shots with varying amounts of pace. I have a decent serve — not all that hard, but well-placed, usually, and I almost never double fault (a player is allowed one per set, I believe ... but I strive for none per match). My favorite shots are my backhand/forehand down the line and my lob; if I have both of these going, watch out!

My glaring weaknesses are my footwork and my fitness ... or lack thereof. The Lovely tells me I tend not to move my feet, which tends to cause me to mis-hit certain shots. For a long time, I thought she meant I was not moving to the ball; I finally figured out that I was getting to the ball just fine, most times, but I was not getting my feet in the right position to set up for my shots.

I know that if I were fitter, I would be better. I have also told myself, all along, that someday, SOMEday, I would get my (tennis) act together and become the best player I could possibly be.

Well, what the heck (gotta be careful; Kameron might be reading!)? I am 40 years old, and it is clear that I am not getting any younger!

: )

Earlier this summer, I noticed these orange flowers alongside many country roads. At first, I thought they were orange lilies, but I later discovered that they were called trumpet creepers. I have not been able to get a decent shot of them, however, because I never seemed to find them at a spot that appeared to be safe (i.e. away from potential traffic hazards).

Then, today, whilst making BLT’s (minus the T’s) at The Lovely’s, I glanced out the kitchen window and saw a few of the trumpets mixed in with a honeysuckle plant.