Monday, August 01, 2005

Bucket o’ Butts

This made me smile on a Monday morning.

: )

OK, time to get caught up. Had some of Jody’s amazing nachos tonight, followed by a game of Spades. During which I was reminded — or, rather, had to remind my partner! — of the No. 1 rule of Spades:

1. Protect the nil! (In other words: When your partner is going nil and you happen to have the queen of spades in your hand, and spades are led, you never, EVER hold onto your queen; you throw that baby, just in case your partner had only a 4 and a 10 of spades and had to throw the 4, earlier, when spades were led.)

It was ALL downhill after that!

: (

Watched Whale Rider the other night and fell in love with it all over again. The Lovely loved it, too, especially on her new 42-incher. Such an amazing film.

Watched Six Feet Under last night and kept thinking (even when Nate came out of the coma), Hmmm, it still seems like he’s going to die ... which he DID! And I was DEVASTATED! (But, obviously, not totally surprised.)

In more important news:

The vacation countdown has officially begun!

: )