Friday, August 05, 2005

Raindrops on Roses

(But no whiskers on kittens ... at least not photographically speaking, this time around.)

: )

It rained, like, 25 drops this afternoon.

What is it about raindrops that makes every photo just that much better? (I think so, anyway.) Plus, I had been wanting to shoot some more pictures at the Benton Community Park rose garden.

OK, so I snuck in my most recent hibiscus bloom in that last shot.

: )

I have been fond of roses ever since Mabel & Burl, our next-door neighbors, had them when I was growing up. They were never my favorite flower, however; for some reason, for the longest time, that honor went to the carnation — the mainstay of those high school dance corsages. Something so damn hardy/hearty (which is it?) about carnations.

And then I forgot about flowers for a long, long time.

And eventually, I read The Little Prince and was reminded of roses. And how, all things considered, they might be the most perfect flower ... and yet, what makes them so beautiful is the fact that they are not perfect.

And then, as I was leaving, I saw all these bits of red on the ground next to a tree, and I realized the bits of red were leaves. And then I ended up taking my favorite picture of the evening.